
namespace Home\Controller;

use Think\Controller;
use Org\Ripcord\Ripcord;//

class ApiController extends Controller {
    public $url;
    public $db;
    public $username;
    public $password;
    public $models;
    public $common;
    function __construct() {
        self::_initialize ();
    function _initialize() {
        // $url = '';
        // $db = 'test';
        // $username = "admin";
        // $password = "admin";

        // 从官方获取一个测试账号与数据库
        $info = Ripcord::client ( '' )->start ();
        list ( $this->url, $this->db, $this->username, $this->password ) = array (
                $info ['host'],
                $info ['database'],
                $info ['user'],
                $info ['password'] 

        $this->common = Ripcord::client ( "$this->url/xmlrpc/2/common" );

        // Logging in
        $uid = $this->common->authenticate ( $this->db, $this->username, $this->password, array () );

        define ( UID, $uid );

        $this->models = Ripcord::client ( "$this->url/xmlrpc/2/object" );

     * 获取版本
    public function version() {
        $data = $common->version ();
        dump ( $common );
        dump ( $data );
     * 检测权限
    public function check_access_rights() {
        // 检测对象是否有权限
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'check_access_rights', array (
        ), array (
                'raise_exception' => false 
        ) );

        dump ( $data );
    public function search() {
        // List records
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'search', array (
                array (
                        array (
                        array (
        ) );
        dump ( $data );
    public function search_page() {
        // Pagination
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'search', array (
                array (
                        array (
                        array (
        ), array (
                'offset' => 10,
                'limit' => 5 
        ) );
        dump ( $data );
    public function search_count() {
        // Count records
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'search_count', array (
                array (
                        array (
                        array (
        ) );
        dump ( $data );
    public function read_records() {
        // Read records
        $ids = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'search', array (
                array (
                        array (
                        array (
        ), array (
                'limit' => 1 
        ) );
        $records = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'read', array (
        ) );
        // count the number of fields fetched by default
        $data = count ( $records [0] );

        dump ( $data );
    public function read_field() {
        // 只显示需要的字段
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'read', array (
        ), array (
                'fields' => array (
        ) );
        dump ( $data );
    public function record_attr() {
        // Listing record fields
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'fields_get', array (), array (
                'attributes' => array (
        ) );
        dump ( $data );
    public function search_read() {

        // Search and read
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'search_read', array (
                array (
                        array (
                        array (
        ), array (
                'fields' => array (
                'limit' => 5 
        ) );
        dump ( $data );
    public function create() {
        // Create records
        $id = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'create', array (
                array (
                        'name' => "New Partner" 
        ) );
        dump ( $id );
     * 更新记录
     * @param unknown $id            
    public function update($id) {
        // Update records
        self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'write', array (
                array (
                array (
                        'name' => "Newer partner" 
        ) );
    public function name_get($id) {
        // get record name after having changed it
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'name_get', array (
                array (
        ) );

        dump ( $data );
    public function delete($id) {
        // Delete records
        self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'unlink', array (
                array (
        ) );
        // check if the deleted record is still in the database
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'search', array (
                array (
                        array (
        ) );

        dump ( $data );
     * Available reports can be listed by searching the model, fields of interest being
     * model
     * the model on which the report applies, can be used to look for available reports on a specific model
     * name
     * human-readable report name
     * report_name
     * the technical name of the report, used to print it
     * Reports can be printed over RPC with the following information:
     * the name of the report (report_name)
     * the ids of the records to include in the report
    public function report() {
        header ( "Pragma: public" ); // required
        header ( "Expires: 0" );
        header ( "Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0" );
        header ( "Cache-Control: private", false ); // required for certain browsers
        header ( "Content-Type: application/pdf" );
        // header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($fullPath)."\";" );
        header ( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" );
        // header("Content-Length: ".$fsize);
        // Report printing
        $invoice_ids = self::execute_kw ( 'account.invoice', 'search', array (
                array (
                        array (
                        array (
        ) );
        $report = ripcord::client ( "$this->url/xmlrpc/2/report" );
        $result = $report->render_report ( $this->db, UID, $this->password, 'account.report_invoice', $invoice_ids );
        $report_data = base64_decode ( $result ['result'] );

        echo $report_data;

     * While we previously used fields_get() to query a model’s and have been using an arbitrary model from the start, Odoo stores most model metadata inside a few meta-models which allow both querying the system and altering models and fields (with some limitations) on the fly over XML-RPC.
     * ir.model
     * Provides informations about Odoo models themselves via its various fields
     * name
     * a human-readable description of the model
     * model
     * the name of each model in the system
     * state
     * whether the model was generated in Python code (base) or by creating an ir.model record (manual)
     * field_id
     * list of the model’s fields through a One2many to ir.model.fields
     * view_ids
     * One2many to the Views defined for the model
     * access_ids
     * One2many relation to the Access Control set on the model
     * ir.model can be used to
     * query the system for installed models (as a precondition to operations on the model or to explore the system’s content)
     * get information about a specific model (generally by listing the fields associated with it)
     * create new models dynamically over RPC
     * Warning
     * “custom” model names must start with x_
     * the state must be provided and manual, otherwise the model will not be loaded
     * it is not possible to add new methods to a custom model, only fields
    public function inspection() {
        // Inspection and introspection
        self::execute_kw ( 'ir.model', 'create', array (
                array (
                        'name' => "Custom Model",
                        'model' => 'x_custom_model',
                        'state' => 'manual' 
        ) );
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'x_custom_model', 'fields_get', array (), array (
                'attributes' => array (
        ) );
        dump ( $data );
     * ir.model.fields
     * Provides informations about the fields of Odoo models and allows adding custom fields without using Python code
     * model_id
     * Many2one to ir.model to which the field belongs
     * name
     * the field’s technical name (used in read or write)
     * field_description
     * the field’s user-readable label (e.g. string in fields_get)
     * ttype
     * the type of field to create
     * state
     * whether the field was created via Python code (base) or via ir.model.fields (manual)
     * required, readonly, translate
     * enables the corresponding flag on the field
     * groups
     * field-level access control, a Many2many to res.groups
     * selection, size, on_delete, relation, relation_field, domain
     * type-specific properties and customizations, see the fields documentation for details
     * Like custom models, only new fields created with state="manual" are activated as actual fields on the model.
     * computed fields can not be added via ir.model.fields, some field meta-information (defaults, onchange) can not be set either
    public function custom_model() {
        $id = self::execute_kw ( 'ir.model', 'create', array (
                array (
                        'name' => "Custom Model",
                        'model' => 'x_custom',
                        'state' => 'manual' 
        ) );
        self::execute_kw ( 'ir.model.fields', 'create', array (
                array (
                        'model_id' => $id,
                        'name' => 'x_name',
                        'ttype' => 'char',
                        'state' => 'manual',
                        'required' => true 
        ) );
        $record_id = self::execute_kw ( 'x_custom', 'create', array (
                array (
                        'x_name' => "test record" 
        ) );
        $data = self::execute_kw ( 'x_custom', 'read', array (
                array (
        ) );
        dump ( $data );
     * Workflows can be moved along by sending them signals.
     * Instead of using the top-level execute_kw,
     * signals are sent using exec_workflow.Signals are sent to a specific record,
     * and possibly trigger a transition on the workflow instance associated with the record.
    public function workflow() {
        // Workflow manipulations
        $client = self::execute_kw ( 'res.partner', 'search_read', array (
                array (
                        array (
        ), array (
                'limit' => 1,
                'fields' => array (
        ) )[0];
        $invoice_id = self::execute_kw ( 'account.invoice', 'create', array (
                array (
                        'partner_id' => $client ['id'],
                        'account_id' => $client ['property_account_receivable'] [0],
                        'invoice_line' => array (
                                array (
                                        array (
                                                'name' => "AAA" 
        ) );

        $this->models->exec_workflow ( $this->db, $this->uid, $this->password, 'account.invoice', 'invoice_open', $invoice_id );
    public function index() {
        dump ( $this );
    public function execute_kw($objName, $cmd, $args) {
        $data = $this->models->execute_kw ( $this->db, UID, $this->password, $objName, $cmd, $args );
        return $data;