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Magento错误:Your web server is configured incorrectly. As a result, configuration files with sensitive information are accessible from the outside. Please contact your hosting provider

时间:2014-06-29 01:56来源:未知 作者:最模板zuimoban 点击:
Magento 错误 :Your web server is configured incorrectly. As a result, configuration files with sensitive information are accessible from the outside. Please contact your hosting provider 如何解决。 原因在于 magento 使用 .htac

Magento错误:Your web server is configured incorrectly. As a result, configuration files with sensitive information are accessible from the outside. Please contact your hosting provider


原因在于magento使用 .htaccess 文件来控制各个目录的权限,因为虚拟主机设置的原因并没有设置.htaccess文件生效。导致文件结构和文件内容被暴露在用户访问之下,我们只需要在虚拟主机设置上做些修改就可以。

<Directory 您的网站路径文件夹地址>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all

