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2015外贸五大成绩单 Five Achievements of Foreign Trade

时间:2016-01-04 14:25来源:未知 作者:最模板 点击:
看外贸,光看面子漂亮不漂亮是不够的,关键还要看里子实在不实在。 A good face is not enough when it comes to foreign trade. What really matter is whether the actual strength is strong enough. 虽然形势十分复杂


A good “face” is not enough when it comes to foreign trade. What really matter is whether the “actual strength” is strong enough.



Even though the situation is complicated and serious, China still has 5 great achievements in foreign trade.


The first achievement is: the significant improvement of global export market.


China’s share of international market has risen from 12.4% in the end of last year to about 13% now, which is quite uneasy. The reason why our share could rise is because the export amount of countries like America, European Union, Japan, South Korea and India have decreased significantly, while China has the lowest decline, only a little bit.



The second achievement is: country and enterprises get a great benefit because of the increasing of import volume.


In the last 11 months, our export price almost remained the same with last year, while import price declined more than 10% overall. It means our country and people have gained the real benefit and business cost has decreased, which is good for our corporate profit and for improving competitiveness.


The third achievement is: foreign trade structure has been further optimized.


In the last 11 months, railway equipment, electrical equipment, communication facility and other complete sets of large equipment have entered US, Europe and other middle and high market with an increasing of 10%. The export to ASEAN increased 3%, and over 10% to other countries like Vietnam, India, Thailand and Singapore.


The forth achievement is: it remains a great contribution to national economy and social development.


China has a large scale growth in net exports. Experts in Ministry of Commerce Research Institute estimate it on the proportion of net export increase to GDP increase, predicting that the contribution of foreign trade to economic growth rate is about 12.3% all year. More importantly, China's foreign trade has also provided hundreds of millions of jobs opportunities directly or indirectly.



The fifth achievement is: China has kept the status of the world’s largest exporter and the largest trade country.


In fact, according to the foreign trade situation from January to October this year, there are quite a lot positive trends. General trade’s export and export proportion remain increasing. Many other major products also remain increasing.



“Actual strength” of China’s foreign trade is strong indeed, come on every foreign traders!
